1. Never make an important decision on a full bladder.

2. Congruent to this: Never start a game of 'Tetris Battle' on a full bladder.

3. While using Foursquare at a large public event, choose wisely before checking-in.

4. After drinking milk late at night, always return the 1/2 empty cup to the sink BEFORE going to sleep.

5. Kicking your copy machine will not make it work any better. (I was a just a witness, not the perpetrator.)

6. If designing and producing gift certificates on a low budget and tight deadline, invest in a paper cutter.

7. A leopard print vest does not go with everything. All in moderation.

8. Liquor before beer, never fear. This is not always true.

9. As busy as you may be, find time to do laundry.

10. As delicious as they may be, don't eat two full packages of Nuttybars in a 3 minute time span.

11. Organize your iPhone apps into folders.

12. Mac > PC. 

13. Only you can prevent forest fires.

14. If you change your relationship status to 'married' on Facebook, be prepared to see stretch-mark and baby ads.

15. If you don't keep your car clean, it will start to smell.

16. Don't be irreplaceable. If you can't be replaced, you can't be promoted.

17. In the realm of resumes, sometimes simple is better.

18. NEVER tell your interviewer that you make all important marketing decisions with the help of a Magic 8 Ball. (I learned this one the hard way.)